Sunday, August 12, 2012

Marriage proposals: Do you trust your Parents to buy you Undies?

Recently when I go home to my mums I have taken up an avid interest in reading the ‘ Mangala Yojana’ section of the Sri Lankan paper.  This causes so much jubilation in my poor mother, and I’m sure is contributing to her new found faith in me.

While, I know it’s wrong to lead your mother on these proposals section truly fascinates me.  I just can’t keep away from them. To be honest, it is slightly depressing at times as everyone seems to be looking for a ‘ fair slim, educated daughter with good Sri Lankan values  for their 35 year old divorced from an unsuccessful marriage with no fault of his own Son’. Being neither fair or slim ( I am educated though, but do budding social worker/ psychologist don’t count as educated in the Sri Lankan Realm) and limited in my grasp good Sri Lankan values, I have no chance in hell with this 30 year old non-smoking tea toddler who holds a prestigious job in the government and owns his own house.

Humour aside, the reason why these proposal section fascinates me is that when I’m reading them I am constantly trying to imagine what kind of person they maybe. Why anyone would let their parents or relatives advertise them on the paper. Moreover, who to responds these proposals.  Some might say it’s not very different to meeting people on Facebook or dating sites. I tend to disagree through. Because, proposals involve parents and relatives, and immaterial things like cast religion etc suddenly gets centre stage. Why on earth someone would let their parents elect their life partner?. I don’t even trust my parents to buy me the right kind of underwear; I can’t imagine them picking my husband. Actually, I have already had a good taste of their ‘suitable’ husband type. A few months ago my parents decided to intervene in my epic failure of a love life and responded to some proposal (without my knowledge). To their credit they did take into account my weakness for the ‘pommy’ accent and found me a PHD dude living in England. Sorry to say he was quite similar to the Granny panties mum usually chooses. Now I know, granny panties are a sensible and practical choice in underwear but it’s never sexy, never desirable and really not really practical if you wear skin tight cloths. Needless to say I’m not a granny panty kind of girl. Actually I don’t think I’ve owned a pair since grade 9 when I discovered them French knickers (which I would like to point out are practical and sexy- like the man I would like to marry J ). So I beg the question who says  YES to proposals???? And more importantly like my dad says are they more successful than love marriages?

So, I did a bit of research not on Google but with people I know.  Based on pure observation and deduction it seems there is a general ‘type’ of person who is willing to partake in the process.  From what I have observed they are usually raised in a very loving environment where the parents claim to have made a lot of ‘ sacrifices’ for their children.  They all seem exhibit signs of emotional dependence, tend to be the wear their heart on their sleeves and place high value social acceptance.  However, there is  sprinkles of men who are old players who have ended up with  untouched pure little virgin lathas, whom they still cheat on.  So it looks like proposals are for those who value the ideal of marriage rather than marrying the right person. They are people who tend to crave the security that it is supposedly attached to the status, never questions social norms and find happiness in social acceptance. Thus it follows, that such people will remain married regardless of unhappiness because, and divorce is surely not accepted within the Sri Lankan community. Therefore it may seem these type of marriages last longer than those who marry for love.

Of course this is just an inference drawn by my own observation and by no means should be generalised. However, when I was presenting my conclusion/ argument (over a few glasses of wine) to a friend it highlighted the fact that there are two types of us Sri Lankans.; the type who value marriage as an ideal and those of us who value being married to the right person.  The second group is much smaller than the first. Furthermore, I believe and sometimes you can move from the second to the first group. It all depends on the person at the end. Most girls don’t want to be an old maid and most people find it difficult to be alone. Thus marriage regardless of the person you marry (granny panties or sexy French knickers) can bring enough drama and preoccupation that you don’t ever have  to feel like you’re alone and make the meaningless mundane a meaningful journey full of “sacrifices” that can be used to emotionally blackmail your adult children with!

The point of this long meandering blurb is that is all a perpetual never ending cycle  reinforced by the Sri Lankan community so Unless your a stubborn little fuck and want to break it you will be getting sucked into Marriage for the sake of it. – Let’s hope for my sake, that Aunty Bodu govi’s  30  well educated son with sober habits don’t tempt me to swap my French Knickers for some Granny panties!!